Wednesday, October 27, 2010

figs again!

you know how when you learn something new, it inevitably pops up in your life again?
i guess that's what figs are for me this year. it's a good thing i learned what a fig was this summer because i had to pull out my fig knowledge again this week.

this is a strange segway into the jist of this post, but if you know me, you know that i enjoy random stories. so hang in there.

i have been getting weekly emails from a popular website for 11 weeks now, and this week, it claimed that, "
Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed."

see? i needed to know about figs again because my baby is the size o
f one!
ok, now the fig portion of this post is over. breathe easy.

this is the official blog/facebook announcement that ben and i are going to be parents! or, already are parents of a small fig-sized child.

we've known for awhile, so i won't be appearing on "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC. (if you haven't heard about this, i'm not sure i believe it. but it sounds interesting. i haven't watched it yet)

the baby is due May 13th. which means i get out of school early! that is cause for celebration.

here is a little picture of him/her, taken about 3 weeks ago. cute, huh?

so that is our big news! we are very excited. and oh yes, if you haven't heard, my buddy erica is pregnant, too. smiles.