Saturday, August 14, 2010

gobble gobble

I hate when exciting things happen to me when I'm all alone. I've realized that in order to fully enjoy an experience, I have to share it with someone. Maybe that's why I made this blog after all...

Anyways, the other morning, just after Ben had left for work, I was washing the dishes at my kitchen sink. Believe it or not, this is not the exciting thing I want to share. That comes later. Now, when you stand there, slaving away, you have a great shot of the backyard since we don't have any curtains covering our glass sliding doors.

I was probably humming along when something caught my eye in the backyard. I stared out the window to see...a turkey??

Excitedly running to the door, I realized that this was no loner turkey, but rather, he'd brought a party with him. You guys, there were FIFTEEN turkeys in my backyard. Yup, I counted.

After they passed my yard and traveled to the neighbors, I was brave enough to venture outside to sneak a few pictures. I've heard turkeys are mean ones, so I wanted to keep my distance.The turkeys appeared to be some kind of rebel group, constantly turning their small heads to and fro, as if they were on the lookout for the big boss turkey to bust them for escaping.

Now, what happens next is what Ben thought was so ridiculous of me, but I find completely normal. I started whistling at them. Like, a lot.

Perhaps it sounded like a warning whistle, because one by one the turkeys flew/staggered into the air, landing on a big branch further in the woods.

See them all sitting there? Fascinating...

So there you have it, the weirdest thing to stumble across my backyard this week.


kate said...

thank you for the pictures to go along with the story! man, north carolina is a crazy place!

beth said...

How fun! I didn't know there were wild turkeys around here. We used to see them all the time in Massachusetts. Maybe you should learn turkey calls - might work better than whistling!

angela said...

haha- that is insane!

Megan Del Castillo said...

i'm SOOO glad you have a blog!
i miss you girl....
take care of your backyard pets...and let's talk sometime soon!
love you...